In brief
I am a mathematician. I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, and I currently work at IMPA. The only other place I have ever lived in is New York. I obtained my Ph.D. at the Courant Institute (NYU) in 2004 under the tutelage of Joel Spencer. I was also lucky to be mentored by Barbara Terhal during a postdoc at the IBM Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights. My main research interests are in Probability and related disciplines such as Statistics and Quantum Information, especially as they pertain to large systems that have many degrees of freedom. Topics I have worked on include the quantitative theory of finite Markov chains (including mixing times), interacting particle systems over finite graphs, estimation and model selection for context trees, stochastic variational inequalities, random graph models, sub-Gaussian concentration under heavy tails, and concentration inequalities for large matrices, and entanglement generation by random quantum circuits.
Over the years I have been fortunate to write papers and/or lecture notes with the following people:
Alexandre Belloni, Louigi Addario-Berry, Eric Biagioli (former student), Shankar Bhamidi, Sergey Bravyi, Sébastien Bubeck, Oscar Dahlsten, Luc Devroye, David Divincenzo, Yevgeniy Dodis (RA mentor), Raphael Drumond (former postdoc), Ariel Elbaz, Aram Harrow, Marcelo Hilário, Alfredo Iusem, Alejandro Jofré, Ross Kang, John Langford, Matthieu Lerasle (former postdoc), Gábor Lugosi, Rob Morris, Viresh Patel, Luis Peñaranda, Yuval Peres, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Martin Plenio, Alan Prata (former student), Ran Raz, Joel Spencer (PhD advisor), Perla Sousi, Barbara Terhal (postdoctoral mentor), Philip Thompson, and Bianca Zadrozny.
Alexandre Belloni, Louigi Addario-Berry, Eric Biagioli (former student), Shankar Bhamidi, Sergey Bravyi, Sébastien Bubeck, Oscar Dahlsten, Luc Devroye, David Divincenzo, Yevgeniy Dodis (RA mentor), Raphael Drumond (former postdoc), Ariel Elbaz, Aram Harrow, Marcelo Hilário, Alfredo Iusem, Alejandro Jofré, Ross Kang, John Langford, Matthieu Lerasle (former postdoc), Gábor Lugosi, Rob Morris, Viresh Patel, Luis Peñaranda, Yuval Peres, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Martin Plenio, Alan Prata (former student), Ran Raz, Joel Spencer (PhD advisor), Perla Sousi, Barbara Terhal (postdoctoral mentor), Philip Thompson, and Bianca Zadrozny.
Formal bio in third person
Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira (b. 1977) is an associate professor at IMPA, a level 1C research fellow at CNPq and an associate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2012-7). His main research interests are in Probability and related disciplines such as Statistics, Quantum Information and Discrete Mathematics, especially as they pertain to systems that have many degrees of freedom. Roberto holds a Ph.D. degree from the Courant Institute at New York University (2004), where he was advised by Joel Spencer. Previous degrees include a BSc in Math from PUC-Rio (1999) and a MSc from IMPA (2000). Prior to joining the faculty of IMPA in 2006, Roberto was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Physics of Information group at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, where he was mentored by Barbara Terhal.